Unicity Feel Great Blog – Tips, information and inspiration for your success
These are just a few definitions of what it means to feel great. Everyone wants it, but it means something different to everyone. Unicity's Feel Great program is taking the world by storm because it helps people achieve their goals and feel great - whatever that means to them.
How the Unicity Feel Great program works and what benefits it offers
The Feel Great program is simple. It combines two nutritional supplements – Unicity Balance and Unimate – with intermittent fasting to get you in peak shape without the need for strict diets or heavy exercise.
Unimate: A drink with ultra-concentrated and purified Yerba Mate extract. Yerba Mate contains a unique blend of botanicals known to enhance mood, increase mental clarity, and suppress appetite.
Balance: A patented blend of fiber, nutrients and botanicals to support digestion and weight management, helping to reduce post-meal glucose spikes.
Intermittent fasting: Time-based eating that can help the body maintain normal and healthy insulin levels and use the body's own fat stores (instead of glucose) for energy.
The Feel Great program makes it easier for you to feel great in the long term. However, you do have to make some adjustments first. Even if this change seems difficult at first, take it as a sign that you are on the right path.
If you find some aspects of the Feel Great program difficult, these tips will help you on your way to success. You can do it!
Unimate: mental support
Too little energy and focus are real obstacles on the road to success. That's what makes Unimate (available in different flavors) so important for the Feel Great program. If you start your day with Unimate, you'll be on the road to success.
Rich in chlorogenic acids, theobromine, matesaponins and antioxidants
Supports energy and concentration
No added sugar
Supports well-being and relaxation
Unimate also makes it easier for you to make healthy choices - you can only win! If you are not yet completely convinced by Unimate, here are some tips:
Drink Unimate first thing in the morning for the perfect start to the day – and whenever you need extra support, e.g. before an important meeting or exam, before exercise or simply when you need a pick-me-up.
The taste is too strong for you? Add more water.
Get creative! Try it with sparkling water, mix it into a sugar-free drink, try it hot or cold – depending on your mood (and the weather).
Balance: physical support
Every day we make decisions that affect our bodies. Our food in particular affects all of our body systems - and that's why it's so important to eat healthily. But who manages to choose the perfect diet every day? This is where Unicity Balance comes into play as the second core product of the Feel Great program: It supports your body behind the scenes so that you don't have to work so hard.
Supports normal, healthy blood sugar levels
Prolongs the feeling of satiety for less appetite between meals
Counteracts the rapid rise and fall of energy after eating and stabilizes your energy level throughout the day
For best results, take Balance twice daily 10-15 minutes before your two largest meals. (But it's OK to take it just before eating.) Here are a few other useful tips:
Just mix it with cold water.
Shake well and drink immediately.
Digestive problems? Take just one a day for a few weeks and slowly increase to two servings a day once your body has adjusted.
Feel Great and Intermittent Fasting: the Smarter Way to Eat
You may have noticed that both Unimate and Balance support the feeling of satiety. That is why we recommend these two products for intermittent fasting. With these two nutritional supplements, you don't just have to rely on your willpower to stick to intermittent fasting.
Unicity recommends the 16:8 method, which means fasting for 16 hours and eating during the remaining eight hours. This is easier than it sounds, as most of the fasting is done while you sleep (between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day). For most people, this means not eating anything after dinner and skipping breakfast the next morning (or drinking Unimate instead, as it doesn't break the fast!)
If you still find the 16:8 approach difficult, try this:
Find a time frame for fasting that suits you. With the 16:8 method, you usually don't eat anything from 8 p.m. until noon the next day. However, if you need a good breakfast in the morning, you should start fasting at 5 or 6 p.m. the day before so that you can eat breakfast at 9 or 10 a.m.
Shorten the fasting period (12-14 hours). Optimal results are usually achieved with a 16-hour fast, but if you need to shorten the period while your body adjusts, that's OK! Just make sure you wait at least an hour before consuming calories in the morning and don't eat anything for two to three hours before bed.
It's okay to "fail" sometimes. One bad day doesn't wipe out all your progress.
Intermittent fasting takes some getting used to, but the results are worth it. Check out our intermittent fasting tips for more help.
A journey with Feel Great – Your path to more health and well-being
Feeling great doesn't have to be complicated. Sometimes it's just about creating healthy habits and sticking with them. Once you start your Feel Great journey, you won't want to stop - that's what makes the Feel Great program so powerful. Try it today and discover how it helps you live the life you want.